Whether it's after using the restroom, before meals, or after touching shared surfaces, regular and proper hand washing is one of the simplest and most effective ways to protect ourselves and others from illness.
Hand washing helps remove dirt, viruses and bacteria that we may unknowingly pick up throughout the day. In environments where people frequently come into contact with each other, such as schools and workplaces, this simple act can significantly reduce the chances of transmitting harmful pathogens. However, while hand hygiene is essential, it works even better when combined with comprehensive disinfecting practices.

At Sprinkle Spray we offer disinfectant fogging services that add an extra layer of protection by targeting germs in high-foot traffic areas that might be missed by regular cleaning routines. Our environmentally friendly, odorless, disinfectant products are specifically designed to sanitize large spaces, eliminating bacteria, viruses and other pathogens that linger on surfaces. When used alongside regular hand washing, our fogging service creates a safer environment for everyone, whether in a school, office or home setting.
Combining personal hygiene practices like hand washing with our professional disinfection services ensures a holistic approach to limiting the spread of germs. Together, we can create healthier, safer spaces for people to live, learn and work in.
If you are not yet part of the Sprinkle Spray weekly fogging service and would like more information about how Sprinkle Spray can assist with your facility's cleaning and sanitizing needs, please feel free to reach out to us. We would love to assist.